Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you know what needs to be done, what you need to do to get started and even the steps you need to take after that... but you still just don't seem to get it done?
Frustrating isn’t it!
One of the problems is that our mind has its own ‘default settings’ and they aren't too helpful for getting things done! In fact, even if we want new 'settings' we'll be in an endless battle with our mind to override the existing ones.
Productivity Shortcuts Don’t Exist

You may be hoping for a special trick or some life-changing hack that’s going to fast-track this process. But, ultimately, no productivity hack is going to be the secret to overcoming procrastination from a standing start.
Instead, productivity tools and strategies usually work best when you already have some sort of productive foundation. Without that, searching for the next great productivity technique is just a form of procrastination in itself. You should think of productivity tools as potential amplifiers rather than fixes.
But here's the funny thing... we all know how to be productive already.
We all know moments when we've been in the zone with our work. What it felt like. How we achieved it...
For me, I know if I stick my big headphones on and block out the world with some non-distracting music (admittedly including vaporwave - guilty!) before long I'll be in the zone and get things done.
But, even though I know that's what works for me, I don't always do it! This is probably the same for you too. You aren't just resisting the work, you're also resisting doing the very things that will help you do the work.
Instead, we need to force ourselves to get started. No productivity hacks, no time-wasting, no excuses.
So rather than a productivity trick, how about a 'get sh*t done' rule...
The 3 Second and 5 Minute Rule

The 3 second rule is very straight-forward. When you know you need to do something, you get yourself set up and then countdown from 3 and just get started. Simple as that. Don't give yourself time to think about it or you're just giving yourself time to come up with excuses or things you need to do first.
Need to write an article? Great... Open a document, count down from 3 and just get started.
That's your first rule - the 3 second rule. Now, this is going to be extra effective when combined with the second rule.
You see, it's difficult to get started (even when using the 3 second rule) if you think you need to work on something for hours. You'll keep procrastinating as if the right time is suddenly going to appear one day.
Instead, if you combine the 3 second rule with the 5 minute rule, you're onto a winner!
With the 5 minute rule, you commit to work for at least 5 minutes without stopping. You just get started and do 5 minutes solid.
Here's the thing, more often than not, after 5 minutes you'll be starting to get into the groove and be ready to continue. Why? Because starting is often the most difficult part. Once you've started, it's much easier to continue.
Of course, sometimes you just won't have the staying power and after 5 minutes you'll be ready to quit - that's fine! It's still increased your odds of actually doing the task more than if you had sat around thinking about it.
So there you have it... No glitz and glam. No fancy app. Just overriding your default settings and getting your head down to work.